Friday, June 3, 2011


Though these videos had the same joke behind them, they were completely different in the actual way the joke was presented.  One followed the joke almost exactly while the other used a different approach, but still kept the main point of revenge that was within the joke.  Contrast and Affinity would be the obvious thing to talk about here.  They both have a male character who is hurt by a girl (one physically and one emotionally) and the both of these guys take revenge on the girl giving her a taste of her own medicine.  The other binary term to look at is Active and Didactic.  This is most evident in the way the joke is delivered in both videos.  In the second video the joke is obvious, she embarrasses him, he embarrasses her in the same way.  This would be didactic because the joke is being shown to the audience.  In the other video the joke is more active because the audience has to figure out how everything comes together and how the revenge the boy got works for the joke.  As far as line goes, there is more of that evident in the first video, such as the stairs that appear twice and represent something suspicious.  Space has some differences in these two video’s as well.  In the second there is open space that shows the emptiness of the room but also the space between the boy and girl.  In the first video this is the opposite as the two are very closely framed together throughout the whole classroom scene.  Though these videos have differences they both explore the boundaries of the joke and make it interesting for the viewer through visual keys.


I think that doing this video game assignment was relatively easy.  We all had an idea of what we wanted to do and since we all grew up playing the same games we had the same references, which helped a lot for how we chose what kind of game to make.  One thing that we could have gotten across in the presentation that wasn't explained completely was the graphics.  I think we could have drawn a better character for our game but the idea was still there so that's okay.  Our strong point was the idea of the game.  I think everyone understood it and liked it a lot.  I think that the easiest part of this project was discussing the mechanics with my group.  I say this because you don't really need to have any sort of confusion, every button does what it says and that's it.



Kay-Anne, I am emailing you my audio because it won't attach for some reason.